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Welcome to our series of tutorials on how to develop your media and interview skills so you and your team can conduct a quality interview with Grandma and upload her story to the Grandma’s Story website, so other young people in Europe can see your work. 

The course is aimed at Youth Workers and young people involved in their community who would like to interview a grandma and tell her story to the rest of Europe.

Aims of the course: - The aim of this course is to develop your basic filming making and interview skills so you and your team can conduct an interview with confidence.

What you will learn using the video tutorials.

  1. Setup and use a camera to record video
  2. Learn about cutaway objects and photos that you can use in final edit to enhance the story you are telling
  3. Setup and use an audio recording device
  4. Learn about lighting for an interview
  5. Put those 3 elements together to setup for an interview
  6. Copyright, what is it and why is it important to Interviews skills
  7. Learn basic film editing skills by using free software you can download to put your interview together and make it look professional
  8. How to upload your interview to the “Grandma’s Tales” website.



As your task is produce and create one or more interview videos of Grandma or Grandmas and upload your final content to the Grandma’s Story website. You will need to plan your project by breaking the task down into smaller manageable chunks or tasks.

Task 1:- Review all the tutorial videos and associated content on the website.

Task 2:- Team Roles – Form a group and divide up the roles. You will need a person each to work the Cameras and Audio. There is a lot to do on the Interview side as in planning, research, preparation and shooting the interview. The more people helping you on this section the easier the task will be. You will also want a person to do the editing of your video/s.

Task 3:- Who is Team Leader? – Start planning the project and assigning roles.

Task 4:- Who is Camera Person? – start learning about cameras and decide what equipment you need.

Task 5:- Who is the Audio person? – start learning about your recording equipment.

Task 6:- Who is the video editor? – download the video editing software and the project files, review the editing tutorials and put together a video of an interview from the project files.

Task 7:- As a team do a couple of practice interviews and review and reflect on your strengths and areas of improvement.

Task 8:- Who will do the interview, planning and research (never do an interview on your own always have somebody with you).

Once everybody has a role you can get to work and start the initial stages of the project. Start learning what you have to do.



Step 1. Elect a Team Leader and assign the team roles you will need, more than one person doing the same role is ok. The team leader is responsible to oversee the project ensuring everybody knows their role, how to use the equipment and ensure your team meet deadlines.

While we have broken the tasks into steps each team member can be learning their assigned roles at the same time.

Step 2. Find the camera, tripod, lights, and video cards you are going to use. Learn how to setup the camera for focus, white balance, exposure, and audio.

Review Camera and lighting setup video tutorials.

Step 3. Find your audio equipment and learn how setup your audio equipment to record an interview.

Review Audio setup video tutorial.

Step 4. Find the questions you want to ask Grandma and practice your interview skills and techniques.

Review the Interview Skills Tutorials, Links & Resources 

Step 5. Do a practice interview as a team to find out your strong points and areas of improvement if any and fix them.

Step 6. Copyright – look at the resources and understand about Copyright and how it affects you.

Review the Copyright video & Web Resources.

Step 7. Download the free film editing software if you have not done so already and create an interview from your practice footage and render it out and review it.

Review video editing tutorials.



You have recorded one or more interviews, edited and uploaded you Grandma’s Story and on your journey you have gained new knowledge, learned and applied new skills of media and interviewing and have developed competencies which can be applied elsewhere in your life. You may wish to develop your learning and skills further.


Well Done.


  • Understand and know how to setup and use a video, smartphone or tablet or DSLR camera to record an interview.
  • Understand and know how setup your audio equipment to record a clean audio of an interview.
  • Understand and know how to setup lighting to record good light levels during an interview
  • Understand and apply interview techniques
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities associated with working in a group.
  • Interact successfully with group members and staff in a range of contexts
  • Demonstrate listening and conversational skills for social interaction.
  • Be aware of others’ rights to communicate within a group situation.
  • Contribute to the setting of group and individual goals.
  • Plan and undertake group activities
  • Plan group activities
  • Improving own learning and performance.
  • Understand the basic concepts of linear film editing.
  • Develop basic research skills
  • Be able to use video software tools and techniques to combine and edit sequences
  • Developing higher cognitive thinking skills as in synthesis, analysis and evaluation (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
  • Using the Internet to develop research skills
  • Develop confidence to present in front of peers and a recording device
  • Develop skills to design, create and edit a webcast.
  • Developing team work and communication skills.
  • Responsibility and autonomy to be able to work in a team and as an individual to complete the task
  • Research, analyse, evaluate and present findings from simple research.
  • Use a template to replace current topics to more relevant topics associated with their heritage site.
  • To create and edit their own videos
  • Work in a team to complete assigned tasks.