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Think back to the research process and all the material collected and try to find answers to the following questions.
- What are your purposes with your grandmother's story, what are you trying to tell?
- What is the best way to present your grandmother's story to others?
- How many and what kind of objects and/or illustrative material have you got to use?
- What issues were most important for your grandmother?
- What did she spend talking about the longest?
- Find powerful quotes from her text.
- How much resources do you need and where will you get it?
You can present your interview and documentary information by developing your stories into
- An exhibiton
- Treasure chest
- Art project.
- Book
- For more inspiration you can look at the examples provided in Links.

Estonian National Museum
- Think about the theme you are going to showcase.
- Categorize themes and put similar things together so that there would be a base for comparison with other migration stories (food, stores, moving, longing, migration trail, family, emotions - happiness, sadness, nostalgia, pride, etc.).
- Take into consideration different objects, photos and other materials you have collected. How do they tell your grandmother’s story? Keep in mind, that it would be good to have pictures and objects from different time periods.
- Choose interesting quotations from the interviews.
- Think about the space for your exhibition.
- An exhibition could also be created in the internet:
- Create a map application where the viewer could see your grandmothers path.
- You can choose different topics (food, vehicles, clothes etc) and add pictures and stories next to them.
- Use pictures of your grandmother from different time periods.
- Also take a look at the instructions on How to make a pop-up exhibition.
Treasure chest
Think about the theme of the box – do you want to talk about your grandmothers’ life, one year/decade or just the process of migrating?
- What kind of objects and photos characterize this theme the best?
- Collect all the objects and pictures into one suitcase or box.
- Add explanatory signs. Are there some quotes from interviews that describe the objects or photos very apposite?
Think how an art project would be the best to share your grandmother’s experience.
- Decide, what you would like to portray with the artwork.
- Choose a genre which would be the best to share the experience and story:
- A painting, comic, collage or some other means of visual art.
- Scrapbook with pictures and texts.
- Write a piece of music or a song.
- Find partners and perform a play in your community house based on local migration stories.
- Think what kind of book you would like to do (what genre) and who should be the audience
- Biography (story of one person, one street, one generation)
- Children’s book
- Cookbook with your grandmother’s favorite recipes and stories about them.
- Some other type of book.
- Choose the most expressive stories.
- Find partners, publisher.
- Think about distributing your book.
You have shared your grandmother's story, have developed a great insight on how to share stories through objects, photos, stories. You have gained new knowledge and developed competencies that can be used elswhere in your life. Good job! If you want to go further, you can look at the heritage trail toolkit provided on this webpage.