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TASK 1 - Make/organize a graphical creation of the visual identity of the pop-up exhibitions
(logo, colors, graphic design visual recognition)
With the help of a person who understands graphic design, together, you can create a logo, choose fonts and colors that will serve as a background for all the other materials that come out to the public (web, facebook, printed materials-invitations, posters, maps).
It is important to know that each marketing product, in this case, a pop-up exhibit, must have it’s unique visual identity by which it becomes recognizable.
If you want, you can do graphic design along with the free website, you just need some creativity.
TASK 2 – creat a web platform
The second step you have to do after creating a visual identity is the creation of a web page where besides the colors and the logo should be placed short, interesting texts describing the project and the goals, and highlighting the partners. In addition, your page must include a gallery of images that accompany the implementation of the project.
You can also add the link(s) that page visitors are referring to on the pages you have on social networks and the links that directly connect to the partner website. This step is important because it gives legitimacy to those involved in the project. When it comes to communication with the public (media), it’s important to have Media Coverage on the website, where all interested parties can keep track of what was announced in connection with the project. On your website you can also set up a blog that gives a subjective picture of the project's realization and with that, we approach the target group in a personal way.
TASK 3 – Create a social network profile and make a plan of online campaign for your exibition
After you've made a social network profile, create an activity strategy (online campaign) that contains a frame-by-time, time frame for delivering specific information that is being monitored by the project.
For example, you set up interesting texts about the project, photos, links to similar projects, and so you are creating more and more trackers of our profile, and only in time you go deeper into the project and announce the main event, in this case, a pop-up show. On social network profiles, its good to publish text related to your project before and after the pop-up exhibition.
TASK 4 – Make a conection with local government, organizations, youth and art clubs
By networking with local organizations, involving youth clubs or art organizations to participate in the exhibition you will have new co-operation, increase the number of direct or indirect visitors to the exhibition, and make contact for future initiatives in your local community.
It's important to include the local self-government in the project implementation because it can help us get the resources and space in which we can hold a pop-up exhibition. In addition, It can also help in successful contact with media.
Start cross-networking through social networks, it’s easy and fast!
TASK 5 - create a sponsorship campaign
In order to achieve an event such as a pop-up exhibition, certain financial resources for promotion are required, such as a website, invitations, posters, photographs, an organization of the exhibition opening, etc. You should begin searching for support (unless the funds are pre-secured through a contest) after the project has created a visual identity, website, and social network profiles. You can get financial support from three types of sources. The first is through an application to some of the pre-announced tenders, another possible source is local self-government, and the third is the economic sector involving entrepreneurs and craftsmen. Support may be in the form of patronage (the project is funded entirely or in large part), sponsorship (a larger amount of money in money and/or nature) and donation (a smaller amount of money and/or nature).
After the completion of the project, it’s important to write and send a letter of thanks to the sponsors and donors. It's important because in the next project we can again ask for funds for realization.
TASK 6 – Make printed materials to promote your exhibition
Before the pop-up exhibition, you need to send invitations to your target group for your event. Excellent marketing tools for the promotion of the event are labels, stickers, and/or posters that contain our visual identity and minimum information related to the announcement of a pop-up exhibit.