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Art of creating the exhibition
Photo by Christian Fregnan on Unsplash
A good market expert knows that people love storytelling. If your exhibition tells an emotional story it will be a hit! Find an interesting story, create an exhibition that will lead viewers to space and time. Remember, before you make a story you must be aware that you are already a storyteller. This is something that we do naturally and we begin as children. This is a unique perspective and each one of us does it differently. This can be your starting point for creating a story. Put your ideas, write them and explore them. Then try to visualize, imagine your story in the form of an exhibition that becomes more sensitive, try adding colors or imagining exhibits as story elements. Put it in the space and imagine the public looking at exhibits with interest, empathy and deep emotions!

students learning together
Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash
Talk with your students about their interest, what they would love to bring to their local community and what story they would like to present. Talk about current topics of migration, EU, sustainable development etc. and try to imagine a life of a migrant/woman/ young person/ etc. living in your community. After the exercises write the common concept/theme of the exhibition.
Exercise 1: Childhood story
Think of some childhood episode's that you remember vividly.
Try to express your memory and emotion in some way:
- Write a story.
- Play a story.
- Draw a story.
- Create your own story journal or blog where you can present your stories.
- Choose a story from a newspapers and make an interesting storyline.
Exercise 2: Migrant story
Try to invent a migrant character. Create a story through these questions:
- Where is your character from? How did he end here?
-How does he look like? What are his likes/dislikes?
- What are his wants/needs? What is his goal? What is he doing to achieve it? What is his problem/situation?
- Then what happend? Is there a new character/obstacle? How did it change his journey?
- How did all end? How was the reallity of your character changed?
Exercise 3: Recreating a story
Find some old postcards and photographs.
Who doesn’t love reading stranger’s letters? Imagining the stories that are yet untold?
Flea markets, antique stores, and even eBay are perfect for snagging piles of old notes and letters. Buy a postcard or an old photograph, or even better open your photo albums and use a photo of old family holidays.
Turn off all distractions and stare at the image or letter. What immediately comes to your mind?
Write it down.
Consider these questions or just let your mind wander:
Where was the person sitting when they wrote this note?
What’s their relationship to the person they’re writing to?
Where was this photo taken? Why were these people there?
What do the facial expressions in the photograph say?
- What is the story of the exhibition? What do you want a public to learn/ see/ meet? What emotions do you want to provoke with the exhibition?
- How do you want to present an exhibition? Through photographs? As an installation? Through music, food, dance etc. ?
- Where do you want to create it? In which place and at what time?