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a positive integration of immigrants
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If you search the Internet for the following terms; migration, immigration or integration, you would find out that there are a many people who move to other countries for a variety of reasons, e.g. love, work, a better life, being forced from their own country etc. Various kinds of migration depend upon several factors; the flow and number of people involved the reasons for their movement, the time they spend in migration and the nature of that migration. Do you know that there are 5 different categories of migrants: an economic migrant, an irregular migrant, a refugee, an asylum seeker and a victim of human trafficking? Do you understand the importance of information and education about these concepts related to migration?

Internet is a useful source of information.
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Interview an older woman (mother or granddaughter, neighbour or teacher) about their migration journey. It can be quite exciting. True stories are ideal for creating drama plays, therefore it is important to gather all necessary facts through good research.

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Do you know that there are 5 different categories of migrants: an economic migrant, an irregular migrant, a refugee, an asylum seeker and a victim of human trafficking? Try to understand the importance of information and education about these concepts related to migration? If you wish to fully understand and be aware of migrations and why is it happening study fully the internet sources and educate yourself and your local community. Many local communities try to open their hearts and minds towards a positive integration of immigrants and refugees into the social fabric of their receiving communities. There are many challenges, and we can overcome them through volunteering, conversation and meetings between diverse groups in our community concerning our shared values and cultural contributions. Through friendly conversation, education, social and cultural activities engaging immigrants, we want to build a sensible understanding of the immigrant community that would ensure that both residents and newcomers can feel at home here in our local community.
Exercise 1. Educate yourself! Research the terms! Share!
Look up for keywords such as migration, emigration, migrants integration, migrants perception, immigrant,
emigrant. Use Google search or any other browser and find out more about what is happening around you.
Some news are fake news. Choose wisely. To share results of research you made you can create several easy
to make educational resources, such as.
- Create a PowerPoint presentation
- Create a poster or collage,
- Create Social Media Material and share it to promote integration of migrants (create social media
posts and share it wisely) A simple video guide to Canva How to Make a Poster - Sources of Strength 10 Laws of Social Media Marketing
Exercise 2. Get to know your neighbour! How to feel more comfortable at home in your local community.
What sort of things can you find in local community that you are currently living? Do you know how to adapt quickly and how to feel at home there? Have you heard about activities such as “Christmas lunch with refugees” or Android/iPhone mobile apps intended for learning languages?
- Look up for organizations that encourage integration and welcome refugees.
- Engage in activities of humanitarian organizations and help displaced people
- Learn more how you can support migrants or displaced people and welcome them to your local community.